Amb. Moses Gives Climate Talk at Australia National University

Amb. Marlene Moses delivered a no nonsense speech as part of the Crawford Barton Lecture Series at Australia’s National University in Canberra on Tuesday. The presentation came as part of a week long trip to the country to seek support for more ambitious emissions reductions from Australia. She will conduct an interview on Radio Australia… Continue reading Amb. Moses Gives Climate Talk at Australia National University

Kyoto to Face Destiny in Doha

The Kyoto Protocol, the only legally binding international agreement with quantifiable targets for reducing the emissions responsible for climate change, will face its destiny at COP 18 in Doha. The landmark treaty named for the Japanese city where it was signed established many of the primary rules and standards for the multilateral response to the… Continue reading Kyoto to Face Destiny in Doha

ADP: Pre-2020 To Stay Alive

In the bureaucratic ecosystem that is international climate agreements, the Ad-hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) is one of the most complex. The deal that came out of South Africa had four main components and they are inextricably connected. Central to the agreement was the recognition that it is essential… Continue reading ADP: Pre-2020 To Stay Alive