Big Emitters Starting to Move on iNDCs

The United States, the world’s second largest emitter and first largest historic emitter, submitted its iNDC  to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change today, pledging a 26 percent to 28 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions on 2005 levels over the next 10 years.

The submission formalizes a plan President Obama announced last November, in coordination with China’s first-ever pledge to cap its emissions.

China has not yet submitted its emissions plan to the U.N. body that is organizing efforts to realize an international climate change treaty in December in Paris. Thus far, the European Union, Norway, Switzerland and Mexico have submitted iNDCs.

The treaty to be negotiated would require contributions from all parties to the UN climate convention.

AOSIS members are preparing their iNDCs at the national level and announcements about relevant are expected to begin in the coming months.