AOSIS Submits Proposal For Workstream 2 Under ADP

Following the first draft plan AOSIS made for work on raising short-term mitigation ambition, the proposal benefitted from the input of a wide variety of stakeholders. The latest version was officially submitted to the UNFCCC.

In short, the thrust of the proposal is to engage the best and brightest minds working on climate and energy issues – officials from relevant ministries, leading scientists, engineers, policy analysts, and representatives from civil society, community organizations and the private sector – in a collaborative process capable of delivering results in the timeframe required.

It calls on Parties to work to choose a list of promising policies and technologies—particularly those with development and adaptation co-benefits—for additional work to be conducted next year. Furthermore, they should give experts a mandate to develop Mitigation Action Plans with detailed information on the following:

A quantification of greenhouse gas reductions achievable;

An analysis of the costs and other barriers to implementation in specific socioeconomic and regional circumstances;

Strategies for overcoming barriers, including enhanced provision of financial resources, technology, and capacity building by developed countries to developing countries;

Options for leveraging the work if initiatives and entities inside and outside UNFCCC to maximize efforts and ensuring successful implementation of MAPs, and;

Identification of areas needing further investigation and/or technical work.

The full submission is available on the UNFCCC site and under “Documents”.